Saturday, March 3, 2012


So I had my WI yesterday and it really wasn't terrible.  I gained .7, but it only took me .2 above my goal weight.  When you're in maintenance, anything less than a pound above goal, isn't terrible.  It's all part of the process.  And, it is a process.

It was certainly a busy day yesterday.  We had school work to do and normal house chores.  Then, my oldest and I got dolled up and headed out the door.

On our way, we stopped at McDonald's for dinner.  I ordered...a salad.  My oldest said to me, "Mom, why do you always order a salad?"  Well, because it's the best option for me and because I know how many points it is.  And also, because I'm sure if I sat down and had the greasy-ness of what they serve, my stomach would be really unhappy with me.  After finishing, we headed on our way to the concert.

If I'd known how easy it was to get to the college, I might have looked into other things there.  I followed the signs for the college and then there were other people pulling up too, so that helped.  We went to see The MozART Group.  If you don't know they are, you can check out their website here or see one of their videos like this one on youtube:

This one cracks me up!

After the show, my kiddo got their autographs and this:

Needless to say, she was thrilled!

On the long drive home, we stopped at the same McDonald's to get her dessert and me a diet Coke.  Yep, no dessert for me.  It was a truly lovely evening and I'm so glad we had the opportunity to go.

To continue on with my culture weekend, I'm going to see "Wicked" tomorrow with a bunch of gals.  Whew! 

In the midst of everything...stay the course!

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